Crystal’s Surrogacy Story

In bustling birthing rooms all over the world, a tiny cry is a powerful sound to be heard. No matter how many times you hear one, it always feels like the first time. On February 5, 2024, for GC Crystal, the sound brought feelings of relief and the satisfaction of a completed surrogacy journey. Seeing her Intended Mother with the baby that she helped bring into the world was the most beautiful moment!
In the days leading up to her scheduled cesarean, Crystal felt excited, anxious, and nervous. She was originally told that only her husband would be allowed to enter the operating room with her during delivery. Thanks to her amazing doctor, the Intended Mother was able to hear that first cry and receive her baby for immediate skin-to-skin. Crystal was also thankful that the new parents were able to have their own room at the hospital to bond with their baby.
Crystal’s husband was her biggest supporter and we are so grateful to have them both as members of our BFI family!!

Alma’s Surrogacy Story

‘They say it takes a village to raise a child, but sometimes it takes a village to create one!’ GC Alma shared this amazing quote along with her joy at finally becoming a Successful Surrogate. Alma’s road to surrogacy may have been longer than expected, but she never once doubted that this was meant for her!
On December 6, 2023, she delivered a beautiful baby girl weighing 7lbs and 3oz. She says her husband was her greatest support through her journey and we can confirm! We are incredibly proud to call Alma a part of the BFI Family and can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Dee’s Surrogacy Story

Congratulations to the ever-glowing GC, Dee on another successful surrogacy! With her infectious smile and positive disposition, it’s easy to see why her Intended Parents love her. When asked for one word to describe her relationship with her IPs she said, ‘fantastic!’
Their excitement fueled her own leading up to delivery day. On Friday, November 24, 2023 she delivered a perfect baby girl into the waiting arms of her daddies! She said that having them in the delivery room was a wonderful experience. She said they kept her laughing with their questions and curiosities of everything. As one can imagine, they are beyond grateful for Dee’s role in their journey and Dee credits them as her biggest supporters!
It is truly so rewarding for us to watch these journeys unfold and see the bonds built between each couple and surrogate! Congratulations all around!!