Melissa’s Birth Story

Timing is everything.  I’m sure you have heard that before.  There was just one day all year that would be impossible for the Intended Mom to be away from her studies.  If she missed this course, she would have to wait another year to sit for it again.  What are the odds? No problem, right?  Wrong!!  

The morning of July 16, the only inconvenient date all year, Melissa was admitted to the hospital.  Melissa, BFI and the Intended Dad kept silent about the impending birth.  We only needed hours before the new mommy would be available so we were on pins and needles waiting to see if the baby would wait to be born.  He did decide to wait for his mommy to finish her class and arrive in time to the hospital.  The doctor was running late so mommy shared she technically could deliver the baby if needed. Just as the gloves were coming on, the doctor rushed in. So instead, she cut his cord and was the first person to hold him. Whew!!  Truly, timing is everything!!