Second Generation Surrogate Moms

You know how there are signs that you have been around awhile? Like meeting an adult that has never used or maybe even seen a rotary phone. But some things withstand the tests of time, like See’s Candies! That is something that we have all enjoyed with our grandparents, parents and continue to share with our kids and grandkids!! One more thing I have in common with my daughter and a few other special women is surrogacy. I never even considered that I would be doing this amazing work long enough to meet a Second Generation Surrogate Mom, much less be related to one! My daughter, Jenny, has been surrounded by surrogacy almost her entire life. I imagine there was a moment where she thought this was the “norm”, that everyone had their kids with the help of a Surrogate Mom. It would have been easier to agree with that than talk about the birds and the bees. LOL! I am honored and humbled that these gals came to me. Each one said they remembered me when they were a kid and wanted to have the same experience their moms had. I know how proud I am of Jenny for making the offer to help someone less fortunate, so I truly know how my previous Surrogate Moms feel about their daughters, too. Here are pictures of Kaitlin, Mackenzie & Jenny when their mothers were Surrogate Moms what seems like a hundred years ago…..not really. Sometimes it feels like yesterday when our kids were so young, right Tracy and Shelly?


2016.06.13 (3) 2016.06.13 (1) 2016.06.13 (2)