Elaina’s Surrogacy Story

There are moments in most experiences that we consider the “highlights”.  These highlights are typically the ones we remember with great fondness and emotion.    When I asked the new Mommy & Daddy what was the highlight for them, besides the obvious gift that Elaina gave them…becoming parents, Dad didn’t hesitate to answer.  He said it was the moment Elaina called to say she was pregnant.  As he spoke about it, tears came to his eyes as he remembered that day.  He recalls being unable to speak to her.  He tried more than once to come to the phone to at least utter a small thank you, but he couldn’t do it.  His wife was crying too but was sharing that with Elaina as she too was crying tears of joy.  They never thought that words could have such an impact, but clearly they do!

This was not the only day Elaina made her Couple cry.  On January 9, 2012, there was not a dry eye in that hospital when Elaina brought not one but two babies to this deserving Couple.