2001 Carol’s Corner

I had some difficult moments when writing this newsletter issue. At a time when we as a nation, no, we as a people, have suffered greatly at the hands of terrorists, I was sitting at my computer attempting to write about my beautiful experiences with my Surrogate Moms and their Couples. It felt inappropriate to write about things that fill my heart with joy and bring tears of happiness to my eyes. But then I decided that sharing our stories with you would be a healing mechanism not only for me, but for many of you too. So, I hope you enjoy the many stories in this issue as I enjoyed writing them very much.

Our experiences this past year includes exposure to media with Tara’s surrogacy experience beautifully told in the October 2001 issue of Chicago Magazine. And in June, a television program from Spain came to interview several surrogate moms and they also followed Jackie around until the birth of her Couple’s son. I thank all of the Couples in Spain, the surrogate moms, their husbands and children for their participation and for taking the time to show the world what surrogacy is truly about.

September 11, 2001 will certainly be a day that the world will remember for the senseless tragedies we suffered in New York and Washington, D.C. For many it will also be an event that triggered unity for mankind. The support that I felt when I received calls from all over the United States and many other countries were tremendous. I will forever cherish every e-mail and fax and the memories of every phone call I received that day and the weeks following. My heartfelt thanks to all of you for your thoughtfulness in these difficult times.

We, at Building Families, offer our condolences to those who lost a loved one, we offer our support to the many military families affected at this time and we continue to pray for our nation, our world and it’s leaders. May God continue to bless us all and God Bless America.