Rochelle’s Surrogacy Story

Rochelle’s Couple arrived in week 35 of the pregnancy expecting to find an apartment, buy baby items and prepare for their twin girls’ arrival.  They looked for a solid week and found nothing!  So, finally, on March 10th, Carol met them in Dana Point and told them they would not stop until they had an apartment rental as Rochelle could deliver at any moment.  Little did they know that Rochelle was at home timing contractions!  Fortunately, the first apartment they saw was perfect!  They decided to move in the next day so they could spend the day shopping.  But that was not going to happen.  Rochelle arrived to the hospital and although it took a bit of time to convince the nurse she was in labor because Rochelle is sooooo calm, she eventually confirmed Sofia and Patricia would be arriving soon.  So, a few hours later, the gorgeous gals arrived weighing 5lb 10oz and 6lb 5oz, respectively.  Way to go Rochelle!!!